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Breakfast Club


Breakfast Club 2023/2024

Our aim at the Breakfast Club is to provide a safe, calm environment at the start of the school day. We provide a balanced, nutritious breakfast which the children choose and make their own breakfast under adult supervision. The children can play in the indoor and outdoor areas before being taken to their classes.


To secure a place for Breakfast Club, please book using the Accounts section in ParentMail. You will be able to book and pay for the whole half term from around 21/8/23. There will be a maximum of 80 places on a first come first served basis. Booking and payment secures your place, I will not send confirmation.

Bookings to be cancelled less than 7 days before the booking date cannot be refunded due to staffing and groceries planning.

From September 2023, Breakfast club will increase to £4.50 and £4.00 for siblings.

Reception Children – Please only book for days once your child starts full time.



We provide a breakfast of cereal, toast, butter, jam and honey. If your child has any dietary requirements around these foods: gluten/wheat or dairy allergy for example please provide details by emailing the school office on info@bilingualprimaryschool.org.uk and also mention it to the Breakfast Club staff the first day your child attends.


Please queue by the small hall entrance for your child to be registered before leaving them. Breakfast Club opens at 8am, and provided your child/ren arrives before 8.20am they will be provided with breakfast. They will then be taken to their class in time for the start of the school day. During the session they will have access to inside and outside areas where they can play with toys and games.

Childcare Tax Vouchers

Bookings will be through ParentMail via the Accounts section.   Please email the office to enable this. Below is a selection of companies used.

When you book there will no cost to pay immediately, please calculate the cost and send this amount via your account to the school

Cost per session x number of sessions.

The Childcare Grant Payment Service number is: CCG8667265

Edenred code: P21131961

Childcare choices: 50033902674

Kiddivouchers: Bilingual primary school  


Student Finance

Bookings will be through ParentMail, It should be booked in the same way as Childcare Tax Vouchers - please see above.  

If you need further help, please click on the link below. https://www.parentmail.co.uk/help/parenthelp/payments/online-payments/ Further information can also be found on our website. If you have any difficulties setting up Parentmail, please contact the school office as soon as possible, we are here to help you as we strive to become cashless.

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