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Parentmail is a great way for the school to communicate with parents through email and SMS.

With the App you can:

  • See all school communications on one easy feed – so they don’t get buried in a busy email inbox.
  • Receive school messages instantly – perfect for busy parents.
  • Complete forms, permissions and surveys wherever they are in the world – easy to fill in and send back in minutes.
  • Make online payments - School meals, trips and events – or receive reminders and alerts.
  • Make bookings and payments - Breakfast Club.
  • Book parents’ evening as soon as you receive the invitation – making the process quick and easy.
  • Receive in app notifications – so you’ll never miss a school message again!

Parentmail mobile app for schools - making parents lives simpler! Download now from your app store. Please use Google Chrome if you are using an Apple Mac or ipad to make payments or use Google play to download android apps.


App 1 


Register With ParentMail!

Once you have downloaded the app , wait for the email or SMS text from the school with instructions.  If you need further help click on one of the links below.

TO LOG IN USE THIS LINK - https://pmx.parentmail.co.uk/#core/login




Problems logging in?

If you have already created a ParentMail account, but have forgotton your password, then please visit http://pmx.parentmail.co.uk/ and then click on the 'Forgoten your password?' link underneath the login form. This will allow you to reset your password.


How do I register?

You can register very quickly and easily! All we need to do is send you a registration e-mail or text. We do this when your son/daughter first joins the school. If you didn't register at that time, then let us know and we can send you another one. Then you just follow the details in the e-mail to get yourself registered.


Can more than one parent register?

Yes! We will send a registration e-mail or text to all parents we hold details for.


What if I have more than one child at BILINGUAL PRIMARY SCHOOL?

No problem! All of your children will appear on the same account!


Where can I find more help?

There is an extensive user guide which can be found by clicking the 'help' button found within ParentMail, or directly by clicking here.


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